Remote Connections

Remote Connections

Remote Connections

Remote Connections

Remote Connections

Client: Meta | Director: Mike Ruiz

The pandemic was brutal on everyone, especially having to shelter in place. Produced completely remote, this product spot served two purposes. First, highlight how Meta's apps and services could help close the distance gap. But most importantly, put a little positivity back out into the world. Don't miss my cameo at 00:28 — 3 across, 3 down from the right.

The pandemic was hard on everyone, especilly having to shelter in place. Produced completely remote, this product spot served two purposes. First, highlight some of the ways Meta's apps and services could help close the distance gap. But most importanty, put a little positivity back out into the world. Don't miss my cameo at :28: 3 across, 3 down from the right.

For Meta, it's incredibly inportant that users understand what information they collect, and how it's being used and shared. This set of explainer videos break down what is normally some very complex language around privacy policy into something more relatable and easy for people to understand. 

For Meta, it's incredibly inportant that users understand what information they collect, and how it's being used and shared. This set of explainer videos break down what is normally some very complex language around privacy policy into something more relatable and easy for people to understand. 

For Meta, it's incredibly inportant that users understand what information they collect, and how it's being used and shared. This set of explainer videos break down what is normally some very complex language around privacy policy into something more relatable and easy for people to understand. 

EmailLinkedIn | ©Mike Ruiz 2023

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