Social in VR

Social in VR

Social in VR

Social in VR

Social in VR

Client: Meta | Director: Chris Volkman

Created for Meta Connect, this series of promo spots were used as launch announcements for three new features to make the Quest platform a more social experience. My favorite challenge on this project was the casting and avatar design, to have the characters match in and out of VR.  

Created for Meta Connect, this series promo spots were used as launch announcements for three new features to make the Quest platform a more social experience. My favorite challenge on this project was the casting and avatar design, to have the characters match in and out of VR. 

Created for Meta Connect, this series promo spots were used as launch announcements for three new features to make the Quest platform a more social experience. My favorite challenge on this project was the casting and avatar design, to have the characters match in and out of VR. 

Created for Meta Connect, this series promo spots were used as launch announcements for three new features to make the Quest platform a more social experience. My favorite challenge on this project was the casting and avatar design, to have the characters match in and out of VR. 

Created for Meta Connect, this series promo spots were used as launch announcements for three new features to make the Quest platform a more social experience. My favorite challenge on this project was the casting and avatar design, to have the live characters match in VR. 

EmailLinkedIn | ©Mike Ruiz 2023

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